Sunday, March 30, 2008

Raymond Pettibon

So Danielle, my drawing teacher, gave us each a list of artists that she thinks would relate to our own individual work.  On the list, I was glad to see that Raymond Pettibon was listed.  First semester, my printmaking teacher also recommended that I look at Pettibon.  I found that he created the Black Flag logo over 20 years ago.  I thought that was awesome, because well...BLACK FLAG..duh enough said haha.  Pettibon has done work for other bands as well, like The Minutemen and Sonic Youth.  His work consists mainly of monochromatic or very minimal color drawings with simple line work and shading.  It's funny because a lot of my work is similar to his.  I am also very interested in early punk and hardcore scenes, which I use in my work pretty often.  Also like Pettibon, I do a lot of simple line work and monochromatic drawings.  He uses lots of figures in his work, which relates to the drawing project I'm working on right now.
However, unlike my work, Pettibon uses a lot of text in his work.  I never really think to utilize text, because I never think I have any messages to relay to an audience.  And his drawings are very narrative or comic-like.  I try to avoid comic looking work, but sometimes that's just what comes out.  Also unlike my work, Pettibon often utilizes a political message in his work.  My work never really has a political message, it's just something that I don't really like to explore in my work.

Raymond Pettibon
"Her House Too Close To The Strip"
Ink on paper.  1984.
14 x 10.75 in.


Tintin Cooper said...

cool...i love pettibon too, but are you going to post your inspired works too?

ghoulia said...

well, i didn't really make anything solely inspired by teacher just thought some of my work relates to his.